The new version of the program comes with a much better user interface than the original. 新版程序的用户界面比原来程序的好得多。
Does the PC Defense software support Chinese user interface? 软件支持中文用户介面吗?
This user interface can be an API or a web service interface or both. 这个用户接口可以是一个API或者一个web服务接口,或者两者兼而有之。
For XM, I chose to abstract the user interface and the resource manager. 对于XM,我选择了抽象用户界面和资源管理。
This provides a responsive user interface by retrieving content only upon demand. 这提供了一个快速响应的用户界面,它支持仅根据需要来检索内容。
All CMVC graphical user interface clients are now based on this API. 现在所有的CMVC图形化用户界面客户端都基于该API。
A taxonomy display is a particularly powerful way to display complex data models in a user interface. 分类法提供了在用户界面中显示复杂数据模型的一个特殊的、功能强大的方法。
The Performance Data Investigator is a browser-based graphical user interface for viewing and analyzing IBM I performance data. PerformanceDataInvestigator是一个基于浏览器的图形用户界面,用于查看和分析IBMi性能数据。
JADE also provides a graphical user interface ( GUI) to initialize, control, and terminate agents. JADE还提供了图形用户接口(GUI),用以初始化、控制和终止代理。
The second package is not platform-dependent and provides a graphical user interface. 第二个包与平台无关,并提供了图形用户界面。
JSP custom tags and JavaBeans make it possible for you to separate the user interface and workflow logic. JSP定制标签和JavaBeans使得将用户界面和业务逻辑分离成为可能。
Similarly, you can extend the client program and customize the user interface. 类似地,您可以对客户机程序进行扩展并自定义用户界面。
It also includes an improved user interface and many new features. 它还包括改进了的用户界面和许多新功能。
The first file, Main. xam, defines the user interface. 第一个文件,Main.xam,定义了用户界面。
CDT Debug UI provides the user interface for the CDT debugging editors, views, and wizards. CDT调试UI(CDTDebugUI)为CDT调试编辑器、视图和向导提供了用户界面。
This provides the graphical user interface for adding microdata for these properties. 这为针对这些属性添加微数据提供了图形化用户界面。
This user interface is displayed so that users can interact with each task. 该用户界面将显示出来,以便用户能够与每个任务交互。
Business processes are partly or fully supported by user interface applications and service applications. 业务流程由用户界面应用程序和服务应用程序进行部分和完全支持。
As you define a bundle in the tool, the user interface explicitly separates install and configuration parameters. 在此工具中定义包时,用户界面会明确地分隔安装和配置参数。
This influenced the developers of Lotus Notes, and they gave their new product a character-oriented graphical user interface. 它影响了LotusNotes的开发人员,他们为新产品提供了面向字符的图形化用户界面。
The presentation layer provides the user interface as well as the adaptive presentation and navigation. 表示层提供了用户界面以及适应性表示和导航。
To achieve this user interface, no separated input and output message is displayed. 为了实现此用户界面,将不显示任何单独的输入和输出消息。
Once this is complete, login to the TSAM Web 2.0 user interface and create a project. 一旦完成,登录到TSAMWeb2.0用户界面,并创建一个项目。
Qt/ Embedded is Trolltech's new graphical user interface system for embedded Linux. Qt/Embedded是Trolltech新开发的用于嵌入式Linux的图形用户界面系统。
DB-Access thus provides a user interface that can be used to manage and monitor Informix database server. 然后,DB-Access提供一个用户界面,可用于管理和监控Informix数据库服务器。
There were two methods of installing plug-ins: manual download and graphical user interface ( GUI). 以前安装插件的方法有两种:手动下载和图形用户界面(GUI)。
The HMC is a server machine that provides a graphical user interface tool to manage several POWER systems. HMC是一台服务器计算机,它提供了一个图形用户界面工具,以管理多个POWER系统。
Hiding menu items is a way to control the user interface of your application and restrict user commands. 隐藏菜单项是控制应用程序的用户界面和限制用户命令的一种方法。
We have completely redesigned the user interface. 我们重新设计了用户界面。
The color-coded menu structure and graphical user interface allow users to quickly select options and settings. 颜色编码的菜单结构和用户图形界面使用户能快速选择和设置。